Friday, February 15, 2013

Good Thing

Sis and I both had memberships to auto clubs. We used her AAA when her Toyota blew up and today we used my AARP travel club when the Lincoln wouldn't start. 

Really, Sis and I are not bad luck in cars. When the mechanic came out and jump started it we drove straight to the Wal-Mart Automotive Center where they came out, tested the battery and saw the battery terminals needed to be replaced. $14.97 put things to rights and they even checked the tires - a chore I had intended to do today but they saved me the trouble. 

Sis took the car problems to heart and decided we are going to move faster to get the house on the market faster than planned. She had forgotten just how much these Arkansas winters affected her arthritis, particularly her knees. 

Hopefully, our project will be finished by the end of this week or soon after and we can return to my home in Missouri then she can return to Arizona to resume her retirement.   

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